Thursday 18 April 2013

Can I Upgrade My Bold 9700 to the New BlackBerry OS 7?

This morning I got a call from one of my readers whose question led me into writing this post. The fellow called me to find out if his Bold 9700 can be upgraded to the new BlackBerry OS 7 which RIM launched on 2nd of May 2011.
Bold 9700 upgrade

He said he came across an article that discussed a guide on how to upgrade BlackBerry device to RIM's new 0S 7 Operating system. What he failed to find out was the BlackBerry line which the upgrade is meant for. 

If you have a similar question or have been considering doing such, I would suggest you learn from what I am about writing.

The OS 7 to start with is only available on devices that launched with it, that is the new BlackBerry lineup manufactured within the period it was launched till date. Basically, what I mean is all BlackBerry phones manufactured from May 2011 till date.

Bold 9700 which debunked in 2009 came with an OS 5 which later was allowed by RIM to run an upgrade to OS 6 launched in 2010. As a matter of fact, Bold 9700 commonly known as Bold 2 has half the processor speed and 1/3 the amount of RAM desirable to run OS 7. Hence running OS 7 on it will definitely choke the phone.

Like I said earlier, the latest OS available for Bold 9700 is and which is the latest official. If you are using the AT&T's version of the BlackBerry Bold 9700 you can easily do the upgrade directly from AT&T's website.

That's it!
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